Health economics and outcome research (HEOR) and real-world evidence (RWE) are key domains in the healthcare sector to inform decision and policy makers for a better understanding of potential healthcare resource use. HEOR assists decision-makers and policymakers in addressing health-related issues and making healthcare more equitable, accessible, and affordable to all patients, and RWE is viewed as a key driver of HEOR, aiming to increase the use of high-quality clinical research in clinical decision making and improve market access landscape reimbursement pathway.

Evidence Generation

Our experts support clients on both qualitative and quantitative evidence analysis using robust methodology.

  • Systematic Literature Reviews (SLR) of clinical, economic, epidemiological studies, etc.
  • Targeted Literature Review (TLR)
  • Scoping and Rapid Review
  • Meta-analysis
  • Network meta-analysis (NMA) or mixed treatment comparison (MTC) using Frequentist and Bayesian approach
  • Meta-regression and Sensitivity analysis


An effective product development plan must demonstrate value to a diverse set of stakeholders, such as regulatory authorities, funders, suppliers, and patients. Real-world evidence (RWE) must be integrated throughout the genesis process of a drug or device since real-world data (RWD) based scientific analysis is an integral part of product development.

Our experts provide data-driven insights using RWD to support clients in gaining a more comprehensive understanding of a successful product development strategy.

  • Observational data/database analysis
  • Selection of relevant endpoints from the RWE studies to improve clinical trial design
  • Identification of target population for the specific interventions
  • Patient reported outcomes (PROs)/quality of life (QoL) data understanding to clarify unmet needs
  • Epidemiological data for specific indication for the potential market landscape